Natalka Suszczyńska


Reżyseria: Marcin Liber (Director)

Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Poland)

Thursday, 6.06.2024 | at 6pm
Friday, 7.06.2024 | at 8pm

Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Small stage), pl. Teatralny 1

Earphones: English 

Bustards, directed by Marcin Liber, is a whimsical road comedy in which the protagonist toils away as an ATM operator, while residing in a dog kennel. Next, she finds herself living in a dumpster. She then loses her job and finds retreat in the forest, where she seems to be going nowhere though. She later becomes an artist and joins other artists living in a basement, but then moves to a kiosk and later a garage to remain adrift again. A twist of fate leads her to meet great bustards (Otis tarda), birds once instrumental in securing Poland’s freedom and independence, who have returned to save Poland our beloved homeland once again. 


Director: Marcin Liber
Script: Michał Kmiecik
Set design: Maciej Salamon
Costume and Lighting design: Mirek Kaczmarek
Choreography: Hashimotowiksa
Songs and music: Zuza Wrońska i/and Igor Nikiforow

Weronika Krystek (guest appearance),
Joanna Rozkosz,
Julia Sobiesiak-Borucka,
Adam Szustak (guest appearance),
Igor Tajchman,
Grzegorz Wiśniewski

Running time: 1h 45 (without interval)
Photography: Wojtek Szabelski


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