Festival news
Recommended clubs and restaurants with festival offers:
Festival Kontakt admitted to the European Festivals Association
Friday, 31.05
at 5pm
Festival Opening Ceremony
The Metamorphosis – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Oliver Frljić
Lietuvos Nacionalinis Dramos Teatras (Vilnius, Lithuania)
at 8pm
His and Hers – performances taking part in the competition
Artistic supervision: Łukasz Czuj
Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Poland)
Saturday, 1.06
at 5pm
The Metamorphosis
dir. Oliver Frljić
Lietuvos Nacionalinis Dramos Teatras (Vilnius, Lithuania)
at 7pm
Dorian – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Robert Wilson
Nacionalinis Kauno Dramos Teatras (Kaunas, Lithuania) i D‘haus (Düsseldorf, Germany)
at 7pm
His and Hers
Artistic supervision: Łukasz Czuj
Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Poland)
at 10pm
Concert – Nagrobki
Sunday, 2.06
at 5pm
How I didn’t kill my father and how much I regret it – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Mateusz Pakuła
Teatr im. Stefana Żeromskiego (Kielce, Poland) i Teatr Łaźnia Nowa (Kraków, Poland)
at 8:30pm
dir. Robert Wilson
Nacionalinis Kauno Dramos Teatras (Kaunas, Lithuania) i D‘haus (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Monday, 3.06
at 5pm
The Wild Palms
dir. Aleksandra Bielewicz
Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Poland) i Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza (Warsaw, Poland)
at 8pm
Once Upon a Long Day – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Luk Perceval
Narodowy Stary Teatr im. Heleny Modrzejewskiej (Kraków, Poland)
Tuesday, 4.06
12 – 19pm
Technology Fair
at 4:30pm
The Wild Palms – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Aleksandra Bielewicz
Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Poland) i Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza (Warsaw, Poland)
at 7:30pm
Country of the Deaf – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Alvis Hermanis
Jaunais Rīgas teātris (Riga, Latvia)
Wednesday, 5.06
at 5:30pm
The Discomfort of Evening – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Małgorzata Wdowik
Wrocławski Teatr Pantomimy im. Henryka Tomaszewskiego (Wrocław, Poland)
at 9pm
The Last Days of Elena and Nicolae Ceaușescu – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Wojciech Faruga
Teatr Polski im. Hieronima Konieczki (Bydgoszcz, Poland)
Thursday, 6.06
at 6pm
Bustards – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Marcin Liber
Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Poland)
at 9pm
invisibili – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Aurélien Bory
Compagnie 111 – Aurélien Bory (Toulouse, France) i Teatro Biondo (Palermo, Italy)
at 10pm
Silent disco
Friday, 7.06
at 4pm
Public Enemies – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Jan Mikulášek
Divadlo Na zábradli (Prague, Czech Republic)
at 7pm
The Employees – performances taking part in the competition
dir. Łukasz Twarkowski
STUDIO teatrgaleria (Warsaw, Poland)
at 8pm
dir. Aurélien Bory
Compagnie 111 – Aurélien Bory (Toulouse, France) i Teatro Biondo (Palermo, Italy)
at 8pm
dir. Marcin Liber
Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy (Toruń, Polska)
at 10pm
Concert – Zbuntowana orkiestra podwórkowa „Hańba!”
at 11pm
Jury verdict – Closing Ceremony
At the festival:
How I didn’t kill my father and how much I regret it
Accessibility at the Kontakt Festival
In our commitment to making the Festival Kontakt accessible to all, we have consolidated all essential accessibility information.
The International Theater Festival Kontakt, hosted by the Wilam Horzyca Theater since 1991, stands as Poland’s most venerable international theater festival. Established by Krystyna Meissner, whose pioneering efforts were honored with the Polityka’s Passport award, the festival has welcomed theater companies from more than 30 countries to its stage. In the post-Iron Curtain era, Kontakt has served as a crucial bridge, fostering multinational dialogues and merging Eastern and Western theatrical traditions.
The previous year’s festival was a showcase of diversity and talent, featuring 20 performances and a total of 34 events that attracted roughly 7,000 attendees. The festival’s reach extended far beyond the immediate audience, with approximately 350 publications connecting with around 1.8 million recipients. The estimated media value of these publications surpassed 1 million PLN. Noteworthy among the invited artists were figures such as Romeo Castellucci and Dimitris Papaioannou, contributing to an impressive attendance rate of 98%. This remarkable achievement was supported by funds from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, sourced from the Culture Promotion Fund.