Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crime and Punishment

Reżyseria: Andrzej Bubień

Premiere: February 12, 2005.

Translated by: Zbigniew Podgórzec
Directed by: Andrzej Bubień
Set: Aleksandra Semenowicz
Music: Piotr Salaber

“Crime and Punishment” is a masterfully constructed crime story. Toruń adaptation focuses on the two most important relationships in the “Crime and Punishment” – these are talks of Raskolnikov and Sonia and Raskolnikov’s meeting with the investigator Porfiry. Raskolnikov murders an old pawnbroker. No one suspects him. A perfect situation. But the murderer asks himself the questions to which he can not find answers, he is overtaken by feelings that he has not expected. The battle begins – on the one hand with himself, with the crime, with the theory supporting it, with his own conscience; on the other – with the outside world. A growing circle of people enters the murderer’s drama, including Sonia, to whom Raskolnikov reveals his dark secret and Porfiry Petrovich, before whom he can not hide.

Starring: Ewa Pietras, Matylda Podfilipska, Dariusz Bereski, Filip Frątczak, Marek Milczarczyk.

Duration: 2 h 30 min. (1 break)